Empowering Women

As a woman created and owned lifestyle brand, we seek to inspire and lift other women. CASA ViX brings this mission to life. CASA ViX is a certified program dedicated to providing education and opportunity for women in nearby Brazilian communities. Women enrolled in the course receive a robust 10-week training ⁠— learning the skills of a professional seamstress and mastering meticulous attention to detail.

Upon graduation, participants will have perfected a highly sought-after craft and be certified to work at ViX or with any other company in the market. ViX dreams to create a legacy based upon appreciation, empowerment and the pursuit of financial independence for women that will help shape a new future for many. CASA ViX is the first step to invest in this brighter future.

A Woman Centric Culture

20 years ago, our Founder and CEO, Paula Hermanny took a leap to create ViX bringing the Brazilian culture to America.

We continue writing our history, valuing femininity from the aesthetics of design to the development of our workforce, where over 90% of our employees are women.

Our intention is to unlock new opportunities for the woman who participate in CASA ViX

Registration by email: selecaocasavix@vixbrasil.com